10 Tips to Improve Memory Power in Kids and Unlock Their Full Potential

10 Tips to Improve Memory Power in Kids and Unlock Their Full Potential

Good memory power in children is much more than achieving good grades and getting better test marks. It can help your children retain information, process it properly, and use it to make wise life decisions. Good working memory will aid them in understanding everyday situations efficiently. It can prove to be an advantage in education, […]

Gear Up to Meet Santa at Winter Wonderland 2023 Hong Kong!

Winter Wonderland English Camp For-K1-to-K3-students-Tai-Po-Tai-Wo-Fanling

When it comes to children, Christmas is all about fun, laughter, and the irresistible aroma of baked cookies! They are excited about the presents under the Christmas tree and the comforting scent of the pine keeps beckoning them toward it. And then there is Santa Claus! It won’t be wrong to call him the mascot […]

10 Main Disadvantages of Online Learning for Kids in 2024

Disadvantages of Online Learning

In the digital age, the landscape of education is rapidly evolving. The advent of online learning has brought a new wave of opportunities, enabling students to learn from the comfort of their homes. This flexibility, coupled with the convenience of learning at one’s own pace, has made online learning a popular choice for many. However, […]

Best DSE English Writing Vocabulary List – 200 Words

Best DSE English Writing Vocabulary List - 200 Words

One of the main things to pick up as one learns a new language is vocabulary. Along with grammar and sentence structure, words form a core part of any language and help make the distinction between a native and a learner. Bilinguals often form a larger English writing vocabulary by virtue of learning multiple words […]

12 Easy Tips for Kids to Learn English with Netflix

How to Learn English with Netflix

In this digital age, screens have become an integral part of every kid’s life. From entertainment to education, screens can be used for different purposes. When it comes to utilizing digital screens for children’s education, Netflix is the word that pops into most parents’ minds. It has become a valuable tool to develop children’s English […]

10 Worst Mistakes to Avoid while Teaching Phonics in 2023

10 Mistakes to Avoid while Teaching Phonics

Being a teacher or parent, it’s your duty to ensure children grasp the exact sounds and letter patterns of the English language. Unlocking the world of reading can be adventurous for young ones when you know how to teach them phonics correctly.

13 Best Playgroups in Hong Kong for Newborns and Toddlers

15 Best Hong Kong Playgroups in 2023

Playgroups are a fairly new concept in the world of education. Started in the 1980s in the UK, playgroups initially began as an informal gathering of kids and their parents on a regular basis. However today, playgroups are much more than that, they’re a place of learning, and exploration for kids, and experience sharing and […]

6 Best English Learning Blogs for Kids in 2023

Best English Learning Blogs for Kids in 2023

Blogging has long been an active communication style among students. Not only do they encourage conversation via shares and comments, but they allow reflection, comprehension, and finally – connection with similar learners. But can they actually be incorporated into your child’s education? The idea might not be as far-fetched as you might think as we […]