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Why Learning English Should Be Fun?

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Learning English should be Fun

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Learning a new language can be difficult and intimidating. It’s understandable that many language learners get upset and give up on their language goals, given the abundance of grammar rules, vocabulary words, and pronunciation difficulties!

Yet learning English should be fun and and not a tiresome or difficult endeavor. Students can considerably enhance their abilities by making language learning entertaining. Multiple types of research show that making a study session fun and game-like improves students’ ability to retain more knowledge. 

The widespread usage of English has made it the world’s lingua franca, and English speaking can lead to new personal and professional opportunities

But learning English can also be enjoyable and has many practical advantages. 

You can make learning a language enjoyable in many ways – whether it’s through watching movies and TV shows, listening to music, or conversing with native speakers.

In this post, we’ll discuss why learning English should be joyful and advise students on how to make their experience more pleasurable. 

Fun learning methods allow learners to better maintain motivation, develop skills, and accomplish language goals more easily.

How learning English can help you

There are several long-term advantages to learning English, such as: 

  • Improved employment opportunities:

English is the language of business, and many employers demand that their staff members speak it effectively. Possibilities for employment in industries like banking, marketing, and international relations are higher for native speakers.

  • Improved academic opportunities:

English proficiency is often a requirement for admission to institutions, and it can improve your ability to study, understand other academics, and conduct research.

  • More enjoyable literature and art:

Learning English can provide you access to a new world of books, movies, and television shows you might not otherwise have!

RELATED: 5 Benefits of learning English at a young age

Why learning English should be fun

There are many reasons why learning a new language is fun. But a lot depends on the teacher and how the class is conducted.

Classes that are fun, engaging, and interactive have long shown better results among students in terms of retention. They also have lower drop rates. Here are some reasons why:

  • Interactive classes help build rapport 

The point of language is to communicate and build social bonds. Classes that invite interaction and collaboration through an easy and relaxed atmosphere help students feel a part of the group. 

Which increases their chances of continuing classes and remaining persistent learners. 

In fact, lack of active participation and communication was one of the reasons why one-sided online classes saw a massive drop rate

Besides, one can learn as much from friends, as one can from teachers. Group learning (or parallel learning) is as important as individual learning. 

Why learning English should be fun
Why Learning English Should Be Fun? 2
  • Switching things up can create a sense of spontaneity 

Everyone knows normal is boring. With language, it is never just theoretical. The aim is to get comfortable conversing in it as well. This is why classes that switch things up between theoretical learning and practical activities help students engage with the material more. 

Even with theoretical studies, good teachers will focus on a variety of exercises. One can move from simple grammar lessons to staged plays, to deciphering movies, and more. And that’s what makes fun classes more interesting than regular lectures. 

  • A good motivator can keep people engaged

One of the mandatory things that a good English lesson should have is a teacher who guides and encourages. 42% of people who started learning a new language gave up due to a lack of motivation. 

Motivation can be a powerful stimulant and it’s up to the mentor to keep it going. A good teacher will aim to encourage rather than express disappointment. If you’re new to a language, try to find a teacher who focuses on teaching rather than pointing out errors. 

The best teachers use positive reinforcement and do not rely on fear or punishment as a learning motivator. Teachers have an upper hand in setting the tone of the class and the expectations from students through their reactions. 

  • Working within the attention span

Humans have short attention spans, and monotonous classes can further decrease the limit. In fact, long hours of classes are actually counter-productive to learning a new language. For students, the range can vary from 10 to 90 minutes.  

While this limit cannot be influenced, an enjoyable class that mixes things up can keep students interested for a longer time. Moreover, a curriculum that breaks down classes and offers ample amounts of breaks and learning time is a healthier way to learn English than a rushed course.

  • Providing the right resources

Lack of resources is another top drop-out reason. While today we have the internet at our fingertips, finding the right resources is often time-consuming. Directing students to the right resources and providing feedback on their work can keep students interested in the class. 

In fact, resources can also mean directing them to the right online guide, quiz, movie, competition, or video. But it helps students connect with the language better and gives them more time to focus on studying instead of finding what to study.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where can I get English lessons?

One can get English lessons online or offline. Online services have been developing with the ease of learning the language from one’s device and at one’s own home. You can opt for our English Grammar and Writing Course course that can help beginners build a solid foundation in English. 

English can also be learned by reading good books and developing vocabulary to enhance language skills. The knowledge of literature and poetry can help one go a long way in learning the language well.

  1. Why should I learn English?

Being able to communicate clearly in many different countries gives you a lot of options when it comes to the nations you might one day choose to look for employment in. As a result, many employers in the airline, tourism, and film industries are likely to require evidence of a certain level of English proficiency before they will even consider hiring you. This is because English is widely used in jobs that require a lot of travel or exposure to other cultures. 

  1. How long does learning English take?

The basic English lessons can be for two or three months. However, learning a language can be a never-ending process. One can go on learning the language and enhancing the vocabulary by constantly revising their English lessons or watching more movies, reading the subtitles, reading the books, and enhancing their skills. For advanced-level English, which comprises perfect reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills, one might need at least seven months to a year, depending on the grasping level and skills of that person. 

  1. How can I have fun while learning the English language?

While enhancing English language skills, there can be lots of fun activities. You can play games like Scrabble which involves enhanced vocabulary alongside the fun of playing a board game. Or can make vlogs with the co-learners and learn from the audience’s feedback. You can also try activities like puzzles and word-finding tasks or find a friend with whom you can have basic rhyme competitions. The competitive spirit of these games can make learning fun.


Ultimately, learning English should be enjoyable and beneficial. While we know there are many benefits to it, most courses lack the fun part. Try finding centers that aim to gamify learning rather than making it a chore.  

If the learning process is entertaining, you are more likely to remain committed to improving your English language abilities. 

Whether your objectives are to better your travel options, increase your job opportunities, or simply widen your cultural horizons, remember to stay persistent!

About the Author
Soumyajit Chatterjee
Soumyajit Chatterjee is a Contributing Editor with Fun to Learn English. He works with various educational institutes in Hong Kong to help them with improving modern English education and making learning with Phonics more fun and enjoyable for children.

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