Our K2 student, Hilton, has shown remarkable progress in his sentence reading skills. Big thanks to Mama for sharing the videos with us! Way to go, Hilton!!

Our K2 student, Hilton, has shown remarkable progress in his sentence reading skills. Big thanks to Mama for sharing the videos with us! Way to go, Hilton!!
Happy Chinese New Year, Everyone! 📷Fun To Learn在此祝各位小朋友蛇年學業進步,快高長大 📷📷 #CNY2025 #CNY #HK #FTL #FunToLearnEnglish
嚟到新嘅一年,唔少家長都會喺呢個時候開始為小朋友嘅學習作進一步嘅打算,所以最近都有唔少嘅小朋友喺呢段時間加入我哋嘅大家庭呢! 有興趣進一步了解我哋課程同教學理念,同埋了解自己小朋友喺英文學習上嘅需要同能力嘅家長,歡迎盡快同我哋預約時間進行評估,加入我哋嘅Fun To Learn Community喇! WhatsApp Number: 5406 7892 上水 粉嶺 太和 大埔墟 選擇我們,即是選擇一個穩定且富有經驗的教學團隊,讓學習更有保障 Because Learning Should Be FUN!
Let’s give a warm welcome to Mr. Jack, who has joined our team at the Tai Po Campus! He has
太和及上水分校課堂時段 有興趣加入我哋Fun To Learn大家庭嘅家長同小朋友,快啲聯絡我哋喇! 上水及粉嶺分校WhatsApp number:5406 7892 太和及大埔分校WhatsApp number:5282 3110 #大埔#新達廣場#太和#太和邨#粉嶺#綠悠軒#上水#彩園邨#學英文#英文中心#全英語教學#外籍老師
太和分校 Snow Much FUN Christmas Camp Thank you for joining us today for a truly FUNtastic Christmas Eve! We were
大埔分校 Snow Much FUN Christmas Camp 2024 Thank you for joining us today for a truly FUNtastic Christmas Eve! We
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