Fun To Learn英文寫作比賽2023
Fun To Learn英文寫作比賽2023
臨近新學年,好多家長都為九月份升讀K1嘅小朋友安排緊興趣班,而我哋每日都收到好多家長嘅查詢 但係唔少家長都會擔心小朋友會唔適應一個全英文嘅學習環境,或者擔心小朋友唔鍾意上課,但係睇吓我哋今年嘅K1小朋友上堂同外籍老師互動得幾開心? 想培養小朋友對學習英文嘅興趣同幫小朋友打好英文基礎嘅家長記得快啲為小朋友留位喇 Because Learning Should Be FUN! 上水龍豐 粉嶺綠悠軒 大埔新達 太和邨 hashtag#HongKong hashtag#HK hashtag#English hashtag#LearningCentre hashtag#SheungShui hashtag#Fanling hashtag#TaiPo
Because Learning Should Be FUN! #FTL #FunToLearn #English #Learning #HongKong #HKH #Cambridge
See how much fun our K1 students were having in our English FUNdation class! Join us for the new school
Thank you for sharing such wonderful news with us, Abbie’s mama! It has been a pleasure having Abbie in class
一齊嚟欣賞吓我哋上水分校 Young Writers 創意寫作班學生最新嘅課堂作品啦! 原來我哋嘅初小學生都可以運用佢哋嘅想像力同創意寫出咁有質量嘅作品呢 Come check out the latest creative writing pieces from the students in our Young Writers
We are delighted to hear that Donut is enjoying her classes with us and that we are achieving our goal
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