「Phonics Power-Up」拼音課程常見問題

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🌟「Phonics Power-Up」拼音課程常見問題🌟

許多K1學生的家長都希望讓孩子學習拼音。然而,我們常常建議小朋友先從English FUNdation課程開始,並以孩子尚未準備好為由,不建議小朋友過早報讀我們的拼音課程。作為家長,我們深信在適當的時機提供適合的課程是獲得最有效的學習成果的關鍵。如果孩子年紀太小,尚未能夠掌握拼音的合音(blending)和解碼(decoding)的技巧,過早開始學習拼音只會浪費很多不必要的時間,亦只會白白延長學習26個基本的字母發音,而延長得太久,更會讓小朋友失去自主閱讀的興趣和信心🙈

我們獨家拼音課程「Phonics Power-Up」的獨特之處在於課程節奏快、進度快。影片中,學生正在上「Phonics Power-Up」的第二級(Level 2️⃣),已經能夠獨立解碼更長、更複雜的單詞,超越了簡單的CVC詞彙。🤩

因此,當許多家長考慮將孩子從其他中心轉到Fun To Learn參加我們的拼音課程時,他們可能會問為什麼我們建議孩子從第二級開始,即使他們在其他中心已經學習到第四級。以下的例子展示了我們第二級學生的學習成果,將有助於回答家長們的疑問。😉

🌟 Frequently Asked Questions about “Phonics Power-Up” Phonics Course 🌟

Many K1 students’ parents are eager for their children to learn phonics. However, we often recommend that young children start with the English FUNdation course first before enrolling in our phonics course. This is because we believe in providing the right course at the appropriate time to ensure the most effective learning outcomes. It’s important for children to develop certain skills, such as simple blending and decoding, before diving deeper into phonics. Starting phonics too early may not be as beneficial, as it could lead to unnecessary time spent on learning the basic letter sounds and potentially dampen the child’s interest and confidence in independent reading. 🙈

The unique aspect of our exclusive “Phonics Power-Up” course lies in its fast-paced and progressive nature. In the video, students are in Level 2️⃣ of “Phonics Power-Up,” where they have already reached the point of independently decoding longer and more complex words, going beyond simple CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) vocabulary. 🤩

Therefore, when many parents consider transferring their children from other centres to Fun To Learn for our phonics course, they may wonder why we recommend starting from Level 2, even if their children have already completed Level 4 at other centres. The following examples showcase the learning achievements of our Level 2 students, which can help address parents’ questions. 😉

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Fun to Learn English
We are Fun to Learn English - the most engaging, fun-focused, and community-driven English learning centre for kids in Hong Kong. We observed early on that inside the boring and traditional school system and the pressure to achieve the expectations to "be the BEST", learning for kids has become an experience that most students dread instead of enjoy. From our highly demanded English Phonics courses and Grammar and Creative Writing courses to interactive English Chat Rooms, we have built a family-oriented and community-driven Learning Centre for kids that feels like home and delivers trans-formative outcomes. So contact us today to learn more about our courses and start your child on the path to success!
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臨近新學年,好多家長都為九月份升讀K1嘅小朋友安排緊興趣班,而我哋每日都收到好多家長嘅查詢 但係唔少家長都會擔心小朋友會唔適應一個全英文嘅學習環境,或者擔心小朋友唔鍾意上課,但係睇吓我哋今年嘅K1小朋友上堂同外籍老師互動得幾開心? 想培養小朋友對學習英文嘅興趣同幫小朋友打好英文基礎嘅家長記得快啲為小朋友留位喇 https://wa.me/85254067892 Because Learning Should Be FUN! 上水龍豐 粉嶺綠悠軒 大埔新達 太和邨 hashtag#HongKong hashtag#HK hashtag#English hashtag#LearningCentre hashtag#SheungShui hashtag#Fanling hashtag#TaiPo

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