The Boy Who Can Spell ‘HAPPY’ – An Educational & Funny Kids Video”

Watch as a young boy learns to spell the word “HAPPY” in a delightful and educational video! This charming story follows a curious child as he discovers the letters that make up the word “HAPPY” in a fun and engaging way. Perfect for preschoolers and early elementary students, this video teaches spelling and vocabulary in […]

Hoppy Easter, everyone!

We hope you had an egg-cellent time during your Easter holiday! Despite not being able to travel, my family and I had an amazing time filled with joy and laughter. Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to get back to work with even more enthusiasm! We can’t wait to reconnect with all of […]

Strengthening Language Input

Having fun while learning is the key to unlocking children’s boundless potential Strengthening Language Input: It is important to provide high-quality English language input to schoolchildren, particularly at the pre-primary and early primary levels (ages 3-9). Research suggests that young learners have a higher language learning sensitivity and effectiveness, making this a critical period for […]

Trinity Graded Examinations in Spoken English GESE

Trinity 國際口語考試訓練營 我們的全新課程不僅旨在幫助學生為聖三一英語口語考試做好準備,更重要的是長遠培養他們的英文口語表達能力。在我們的課堂中,學生將透過會話和文法練習來提高他們的會話流暢度和準確性。 什麼是 Trinity GESE 聖三一國際口語等級考試? Trinity GESE 聖三一國際口語等級考試是一項具有全球認受性的英語口語能力和聆聽能力的公開評估考試。考試中,學生將與來自英國 Trinity 官方的考試官進行一對一的對話。GESE考試提供國際認可、準確和可靠的評估,評估學生用英語進行面對面交流的能力。 在我們的課堂中,我們的老師採用輕鬆、生動和有趣的教學方法,並通過大量的互動方式來教授會話技巧。通過會話、活動和遊戲,學生將學習英語詞彙和文法的運用,有效提升他們的英語表達和溝通能力,同時增強他們以英語對話的自信心。 有興趣為小朋友報名或了解更多的家長們歡迎盡快與我們以WhatsApp聯絡

Our K2 student

Our K2 student, Hilton, has shown remarkable progress in his sentence reading skills. Big thanks to Mama for sharing the videos with us! Way to go, Hilton!! 

1st and 3rd Place

We’re thrilled to hear about the incredible achievements of Eunice and Ashley, brought to us by their mums! Congratulations and a heartfelt thank you for sharing this wonderful news with us. We couldn’t be prouder! #1st #3rd #FTL #FunToLearn #English #HK #HongKong📷📷📷📷


太和分校English FUNdation課堂花絮 #FTL#FunToLearn#English#HongKong#HK#kindergarten